Frequently Asked Questions

Q - Why has the estimated delivery time changed?
A - Estimated deliver time is just an estimate time not a guarantee of deliver. Delivery time may change for a number of reasons, weather conditions, holiday overload in the shipping industry, miss routed by miss stake, etc.
Q - How do I return goods?
A - Contact us within the first 48 hours from deliver date to start the return process. We will provide you with information that is needed to return the merchandise.
Q - When will I receive my refund?
A - Refunds on turning merchandise for any reason will be issued when the warehouse receives the merchandise.
Q - How do I check my credit card refund?
A - Contact the card issuer to see if they have received the refund payment. We will send you an email confirming that a refund has been granted.
Q - Why I cannot place order?
A - Sometimes products are blocked and cannot be bought do to out-of-stock, price changes from the warehouse, or discontinued.
Q - How do I get invoice for my order?
A - Invoices, shipping information, and sales recites are automatic provided for you in the store and emails that are sent to the email address that is provide at the time you check out.
Q - How do I find out more information on the product?
A - Every item in the store that is for sale has a description about the product giving you information. Othe information on the product you are going to buy can be found online.
Q - How to contact the seller?
A - We supply a customer service email address for communication.
Q - Do you sell second-hand goods?
A - Yes, we have a category that in name Yard Sale in which second-hand items are sold.
Q - When is the best time to buy items from the store?
A - The store is open 24/7 including weekends and holidays for you shopping conveyance.
Q - Can someone us my cards online without your consent?
A - No, card safety is the customer responsibility. Card information safety is our responsibility, and we assure that your information is not misused by using Encrypted information through Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS) which is managed by the PCI Security Standards Council.
Q - Is your store safe?
A - Yes, the store uses the latest security technology to assure that your privet information is safe at all times. No online transactions are 100% safe however the security technology used in the store is the highest stander that is required in the industry.
Q - Where do your products come from?
A - Some of the products are made and sold in the United States and some are from other locations around the world like China, Japan, India, UK, etc.
Q - Do you have return policies?
A - Yes, we have a return policy for new merchandise in which our return policy explains in detail the return conditions. Unfortunately, there is no return policy for antiques, collectables, and second-hand items in most case they are sold as is.
Q - What is encryption?
A - Encryption is a method of scrambling internet sent information, it is unreadable to anyone who does not know how to unscramble the information. The advantage of encryption information is that anything encrypted is virtually inaccessible to anyone other than the recipient of the information.
Q - Why is my package setting in one place for days?
A - Packages that are being shipped from outside the United States borders must go through custom twice. The first is when the package is leaving the country it is shipped from and the second time is when the package enters the United States. At time custom will be overwhelmed with package like on holidays.
Q - Why did my tracking number change?
A - When merchandise is shipped from outside the United States borders then there is more than one carrier delivering your product to your location. If the merchandise is shipped from inside of the United States borders then sometimes FedXe, UPS, or DHL will transport the package across the country to the deliver town and hand the package to USPS for final deliver to your home.
Q - Why did I get three tracking number? I only made one order.
A - If you order more than one items each item may come from different warehouses. If you ordered on an item from a warehouse outside US boarders, the order was transported using more than one carrier.
Q - Will I get a tracking number, so I know where the package is?
A - Sellers are not required to provide tracking number it is optional. GDWstore sends the customers a tracking number in consolation so the customer can fallow the package.
Q - How long will it take before my order is delivered?
A - If the warehouse is in the United States, it will take about 5 to 15 days. If it is location outside of the United States, the timeframe is from 5 to 30 days.
Q - How long does take before item is shipped?
A - Most of our warehouse have next day shipping. The ones that do not have next day shipping the timeframe is from 2 to 5 business days.
Q - Will you offer coupons or specials?
A – Most product in the store is 15% off from manufacture suggested retail price is. No, coupons.
Q - When will orders be processed?
A - The order is process within 1 to 3 business days. If the order is made after 4:00p.m. PST on a Friday it will be process the next business day. The office is close on weekends and major holidays.
Q - When dose the store receive my payment?
A - The store receives the customer’s payment after the order has been sent to the warehouse. This would be from 24 hours to 72 hours. In some cases, it can take up to 5 business days.