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Pyrex CD-128 Type Glass Insulator

Pyrex CD-128 Type Glass Insulator

Regular price $ 19.95 USD
Regular price $ 22.94 USD Sale price $ 19.95 USD
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This is a Pyrex glass insulator that was made by the Corning Glass Works Company from 1922 to 1951. This insulator is a CD-128 type insulator that was used for telephone lines and some low voltage electrical application. The Pyrex insulator has a higher electrical resistance then other glass type insulators therefore most Pyrex insulators are of the larger size for high voltage lines. To the best of my knowledge, this is the only small size of CD type insulator, which Corning Glass Works Company produced. This insulator has two set of threads allowing it to be used in more than one type of application, unlike most other glass insulators. Its trade name is CS Carrier and the CS is emboss on the skirt along with “PYREX” and below the Pyrex is “T.M. REG. U.S. PAT. OFF.” In addition, on the opposite side of the insulator’s skirt emboss is “MADE IN U.S.A.” and below that is PTA. APPD. FOR” and to the right is “CS”. It has a flat base or bottom and the inner edge does have a number of fleabites on it. Other than that, it is in excellent condition.
Antique and Shipping Information
2.63”x 2.63”x 4”
Shipped From
Shipping Size
6”x 6”x 6”x
Corning Glass Works
Main Material
Shipping Weight
Load Capacity
One wire
About Years Made
1924 to 1951


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