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Rare Norcrest 40th Anniversary Set

Rare Norcrest 40th Anniversary Set

Regular price $ 45.00 USD
Regular price $ 55.00 USD Sale price $ 45.00 USD
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     The Norcrest China Co., established in Portland, Oregon in 1938 by the Naito family, was renowned for importing high-quality ceramic and porcelain China products from Japan to sell in the United States. Specializing in Asian giftware, the company distributed its products to numerous gift shops and retailers across the U.S., with a focus on the top-of-the-line Chatillon category. Recognizable by the Japanese Hallmark stamped under the glaze, the Norcrest China Co. ensured authenticity by affixing their own label to the back of each ceramic or porcelain piece before selling it, with earlier labels being transparent and later ones featuring a silver background with black lettering. This 40th-anniversary cup and saucer set, featuring both the Japan Hallmark and the earlier Norcrest label, is a rare find in today's antique market, making it a coveted piece for collectors seeking unique and valuable items.It is in mint condition with no cracks, chips, necks, fleabites, repairs, or stains.


  • Cup size: rim to rim 3.50”x rim to handle 4.25”x 2.88”
  • Saucer: 5.75”x 5.75”x 0.88”
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Shipping and Product Information
 See Above
Shipped From
Shipping Size
 8”x 8”x 8”
 Made in Japan
Main Material
Shipping Weight
Load Capacity
 8 fl. oz.
About Years Made


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