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Royal Grafton Fine Bone China

Royal Grafton Fine Bone China

Regular price $ 39.90 USD
Regular price $ 45.89 USD Sale price $ 39.90 USD
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     A.B. Jones and Sons Ltd Co. used the trade name Grafton for years but after Queen Mary of England gave the companies, the Royal Warranty 1957 then they started to use Royal Grafton in the hallmark. This company was founded in 1900, in Staffordshire, England by Alfred Jones. The Royal Warrant is given in recognition to individuals or companies that preformed good quality services or provided products to the royal family of England for no less than 5 years. In this case, The Royal Warrant was for high quality products using the finest quality materials, in this case it was porcelain tableware. In the early 20th century, the A.B. Jones and Sons Ltd Co. was one of the top makers of fine bone china in England at the time. The A.B. Jones and Sons Ltd Co. had also been one of the largest porcelain manufacturers in England in the early 20th century. The A.B. Jones and Sons Ltd Co. started producing their line of fine bone china in 1900 up to 1966.  Which time the company was sold to the Crown House Glass Ltd. and continued to using the hallmark under the A.B. Jones up to 1971 in which the Crown House Glass Ltd. sold the company to a New Zealand based company called the Crown Lynn Potteries Ltd. and they renamed the products with the Crown Lynn Ceramics Ltd. hallmark.  The A.B. Jones and Sons Ltd Co. hallmark was retired for good at that time. The hallmark on this cup and saucer set was first used in 1957 after receiving the Royal Warrant no record showing when the hallmark was retired other than when the Crown Lynn Ceramics Ltd. bought the company from the Crown House Glass Ltd. in 1971. This is a vary rear pattern hard to fine the gold trim is 22k. It is in mint condition with no dents, cracks, chips, necks, scratches, fleabites, repairs, stains, or wears-marks. In addition, it looks like it has never been used


  • Cup: 25”x 4”x 2.75”
  • Saucer: 38”x 5.25”x 0.88”
  • Total heights: 3”
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Shipping and Product Information
Dimensions  See Above Shipped From  83815
Shipping Size  6”x 6”x 6” Manufacture  A.B. Jones & Sons Ltd
Weight 0.51  lbs. Main Material  Ceramic Clay
Shipping Weight 0.88  lbs. Color  Multicolor
Load Capacity  8fl.oz. About Years Made  1950s to 1966



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