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White Dogwood Pattern with Gold Trim

White Dogwood Pattern with Gold Trim

Regular price $ 24.95 USD
Regular price $ 28.70 USD Sale price $ 24.95 USD
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     The Knowles China Company was first established in 1900 in Chester WV. The Knowles China Co. had two manufacturing plants one in Chester WV. and the second was in Newell, WV. The Chester plant was taken over by Harker in the 1930s and this plant was destroyed by fire in 1975. The Newell plant open its doors in 1913 and started producing pottery until 1963. The hallmark on the back of this serving bowl is a larger “K” inside an oval circle with the word “Knowles” under the “K” and a “R” in a circle under the “Knowles” and under the oval circle is “U.S.A.” and the numbers “52-11”. The 52 is the year the bowl was made which was 1952. I think the 11 stands for November, so this bowl was product in November of 1952. The Chester plant was taken over by Harker in 1930s would indicate it was produced at the Newell plant. The pattern is called “Sharon” and the pattern code is KNOSHA, the pattern number is 2110 and the description for the design is white flowers, green leaves and the pattern name is “White Dogwood”. It had 22k gold on the rim but most of it has worn off throughout the years. The pattern is stamped on top of the glazing and doses have some damage which did not show up in the photos. Other than that, it is in excellent condition with no cracks, chips, necks, repairs, fleabites, or stains.
Shipping and Product Information
Dimensions  8.75”x 8.75”x 2.50” Shipped From  83815
Shipping Size  10”x 10”x 6” Manufacture  Knowles China Company
Weight 1.15  lbs. Main Material  Porcelain Clay
Shipping Weight 1.35  lbs. Color  Multicolor
Load Capacity  Unknown
About Years Made  1952


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