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Animal Collection Hand Carved

Animal Collection Hand Carved

Regular price $ 9.99 USD
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     What we have here is a collection of small animals, which consist of a Desert Tortoise, Penguin, Rabbit, and two dogs, which are hand-carved using a small rock saw and all are made using Alabaster rock. One dog looks like it could be a Dachshund, which is white and clear stripe when looking at it from the top or bottom or the front or back. The second dog has a head that looks like a Basset Hound and a body that looks like a Dachshund and a tail that looks like it does not fit ether breed, so i will just call it mix-breed. The mix-breed is greenish in color and has a sticker on it that say “Made in Mexico” which I believe all of the animals were made in Mexico. The Dachshund looks like the right front foot leg broke off at one time and was guild back on. This could have happen at the time it was being cut. (Could have been a fracture in the rock) the rabbit is semi-transparent white color and the lift eye is missing. I believe the eyes are black onyx rock. The Penguin has the colors of semi-transparent white, brown, and white with two black onyx’s eyes. The Tortoise looks like a southwestern desert tortoise. The right side lower month of the Desert Tortoise has a natural fracture in which a peace maybe missing. It did not have any black onyx eyes or if it did, they are gone. I could not see any guile in the eye sockets so I believe that there were no eyes installed. The Penguin and Rabbit has no damages that I could find other than the fact that they only have three eyes between the two of them. The animal’s sizes are:
  • Desert Tortoise:  2”x 1.13”x 0.50”
  • Penguin:  2.25”x 0.75”x 1.38”
  • Rabbit:  2.38”x 0.75”x 1.50”
  • Dachshund:  2.25”x 0.50”x 1.50”
  • Mix-Breed:  1.50”x 0.38”x 0.88”
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4”x 4”x 4”
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