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Berwick AKA Boopie Glassware

Berwick AKA Boopie Glassware

Regular price $ 19.95 USD
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     Anchor Hocking Glass Company first came into existence when Isaac J. Collins and six friends raised $8,000 to buy the Lancaster Carbon Company when it went into receivership in 1905. The company was one of the major producer of Depression glass. The first glassware produced as Anchor Hocking Glass Company was Royal Ruby in 1939. The pattern on these glasses are named “Berwick aka Boopie” also nicknamed by collectors as “Boopie.” The Boopie refers to the raised lines extending from the top of the foot to the bottom and ending with the marble-like beads encircling the outer edge of the base of the glass. This pattern was produced in the 1940’s and 1950’s and some say it was produced up to 1968. They were used as juice glass. There is no cracks, chips, scratches, or stains any were on the four glass. They are in excellent mint condition. There are no maker marks on any of the glass. Interesting note: If you have ever watched, the “I Love Lucy Show” this stemware was used on the show.

Dimensions:  2”x 2.75"x 4”H
Weight:  1lbs.


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