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Children Colorful Bicycle Spoke Stars

Children Colorful Bicycle Spoke Stars

Regular price $ 8.96 USD
Regular price $ 10.30 USD Sale price $ 8.96 USD
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Things have changed so much for today’s kids. When I was young, all we had to put on our bike spokes was playing cards, no color but lots of noise. Your child will love these colorful stars on their bike or tricycle wheel spokes. Make them the envy of the neighborhood. The stars easily snip onto the wheel spokes and come in about five different colors. Not all bags will have all of the colors. The bags are shipped randomly so the bag you receive may not match the pictures exactly in the number of star colors. The bags are shipped at random not knowing which has what. There is about three dozen stars per bag.
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Shipping and Product Information
Shipped From:
Shipping Size:
 Size Not Given
Shipping Time: (only)
8 Days
15 Days
 lbs.  per bag
Main Material:
 Plastic Material
Shipping Weight:
 lbs.  two bags
Load Capacity:
 Not Apply


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