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Hand Carved Totem Poles Sculptures

Hand Carved Totem Poles Sculptures

Regular price $ 9.95 USD
Regular price $ 11.44 USD Sale price $ 9.95 USD
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     Totem poles are monumental sculptures carved on poles, posts, or pillars with symbols and/or figures on it. Western red cedar trees where mostly used for totem pole. The totem figures were mostly caved in the Pacific Northwest United States, Canada’s western provinces, and Alaska. The totem poles would represent stories or important events. Each figure on the totem represents part of a story or part of the event. Totems were used as a way to record the history and legends of tribes and the surrounding environment. The figures on a totem pole are not gods to be worshipped just part of the story. Some of the animals commonly represented on the crests of the totem pole would include beaver, bear, wolf, shark, killer whale, raven, eagle, frog, or mosquito. I cannot tell you much about this totem pole other than it has been in the family for a very long time like 50 or 60 years. I remember seeing it on the shelf at my grandmother’s house as a child. It seemed to be hand carved, on what looks like wood but does not feel like wood and it was hand painted. This totem pole was made and sold as a souvenir in the tourist trade. It has no hallmarks to help identify the maker, the company, or what time in history it represents. It is in mint condition with no cracks, chips, necks, fleabites, repairs, or stains.
Shipping and Product Information
 0.88”x 1.13”x4.25”
Shipped From
Shipping Size
 4”x 4”x 6”
Main Material
Shipping Weight
Load Capacity
  Not Apply
About Years Made
 Before 1950s


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