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Indoor/Outdoor Mosquito Killing Light

Indoor/Outdoor Mosquito Killing Light

Regular price $ 24.74 USD
Regular price Sale price $ 24.74 USD
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     After a hot summer day the cool of the evening on the deck, porch, or patio is great ideal. Unfortunately, there is uninvited guest that show up. Mosquitos are small, fast, and irritating in more then one-way and show-up unexpectedly. The last thing you want or need is moquitos. They are never invited and they can destroy the nice cool evening you are enjoying. The electric mosquito-killing lamp can get rid of those uninvited pasty mosquito. It is not new technology but it is technology that works. This electric shock bionic breathing devices with its purple LED light will attracts the mosquito making them thick there is a testy treat awaiting them and they will leave you alone. The coverage range is 65.62’ to 164.04’. What come in the package with the mosquito-killing lamp is 1-designer lamp, 1-cable, 1-cleaning brush, and the instruction paper.    (Global rating: 1,954 reviews, rated at 4.9 stares out of 5 stars)
Shipping and Product Information
Dimensions:  4.41”x 4.41”x 6.30” Shipped From:   China
Shipping Size:  Size Not Given Shipping Time: (only) 25 Days 30  Days
Weight: 0.79  lbs. Main Material:  Mutable Materials
Shipping Weight: 1.04  lbs. Color:  Black or White
Load Capacity:  Not Apply Model:  CJJT1508473


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