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Papago Hand Woven Basket with Lid

Papago Hand Woven Basket with Lid

Regular price $ 114.95 USD
Regular price $ 114.95 USD Sale price $ 114.95 USD
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     Here is a hand woven basket with lid that was made by the Papago Indians in the late 30’s or early 40’s. Papago Indian baskets are all made by hand at that time. This basket was made using the Yucca plant. This woven basket uses the Yucca plant's leaf fibers and roots. The white fibers are bleached Yucca leaf fibers and the brownish-tan color is unbleached Yucca plant roots. This basket is a true southwestern classic Native American made antique basket. Making woven items is a very slow process and one of the oldest of Indian crafts. The lid was, crafted to fit the basket perfectly and tightly.

Dimensions:  6”x 6”x 4.50”H
Weight:  0.56 lbs.


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