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Schoenner Engineer Drafting Set

Schoenner Engineer Drafting Set

Regular price $ 45.00 USD
Regular price $ 51.75 USD Sale price $ 45.00 USD
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     This engineer drafting set has “Schoenner” and “German” stamped in various areas on the tools. It is an 11pcs engineer drafting set with one divider missing. Everything seems to be in good working order for being over a 220-year-old drafting set. The pins points are still sharp. (ouch) It was made by the Siebenhaar & Co. in Siebenhaar, German in the late eighteenth century to early nineteenth century. (about 1801) The case is a folding cardboard case that is covered with black leather on the outside and on the underside of the two flaps; the inside of the case is lined with green velvet like material. The case shows a lot of wear. On the inside of the smaller flap has “Made in Germany” stamped in gold and on the outside of the small flap it has “80” also stamped in the flap which could be the model number or in what order it was made. If it is, the order number when it was made then it could be from the late eighteen century. Country-of-origin marking in the US was first introduce in 1880 and 1891 was added it had to be in English. Other set I found online that was the same as this set with higher numbers clam to be made in 1801. The design of the compass is also from the early nineteen century. On the underside of the top black snap has “P.R.Y. M.” round the top and on the lower part it has “4H” unknown what this stands for. The case is not in the best of condition however, the compass and other tools are in usable good condition.
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AD-1 AD-2 AD-3 AD-4 CD-1 M-1 M-2 SD-1 SD-2 SD-3 SD-4 SD-5
Shipping and Product Information
 8.75”x 4.25”x 1”
 Shipped From
 83815 (USA)
 Shipping Size
 10”x 6”x 4”
  Siebenhaar & Co.
 lbs.  case size
 Main Material
  Mutable Materials
 Shipping Weight
 Load Capacity
 Not Apply
 About Years Made
 Early 19 Century


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